It’s been a challenging few weeks. I’ve been delaying writing my blog because I’ve been in a bit a ‘snit’ for sometime and didn’t want to come across as negative. But this is part of life and part of the adjustment process when moving abroad or just moving.
We’ve been in Kathmandu for 2 months and I feel as though I am now better prepared to live in the Botswana bush. We live in the capital city of Nepal however we are adjusting to 10 hours a day of load shedding (no power or back up power only),that stopped working this past weekend, veeeerrryy ssslllooow internet, slower then Botswana…my patience is getting a  good workout. Clothes are only hand washed and hung to dry. Haven’t figured out laundry during the rain yet. No vehicle, walking and public transit everywhere. On Mondays I have a 6pm meeting I attend I leave our home at 4:30pm to get there in time. I’m learning how to cook differently, no oven and only 2 burners, shop differently, we only have a small fridge so can’t store stuff. However, I haven’t thrown out much spoiled food, we’ve been eating everything in the fridge. Sleep differently (Blair and I are adjust to sleeping on the smallest and hardest bed we have ever slept in) Ok, ok, ok you say ” Is this not the reason you are travelling? to experience different things, learn new ways etc.?”  Absolutely! I am told that this is a normal phase in the adjustment period and I realize that my personal growth opportunities here are abundant!
On the up side. we now have hot water…as long as it’s sunny. Water is heated by solar panels. I can not tell you the difference hot water makes. We were so very spoiled in Botswana.
Willis has been dealing with GI issue’s and last week EISH!  Enough was enough and last we took him to the hospital. We were so impressed with the service we got, within minutes from arriving in the ER the doctors had seen us and ordered and IV to re hydrate Will. I’ve been fighting a persistent cough and cold and this week Blair has been home for 3 days with horrible stomach spasms, cramps and… all part of the transition period.
This past Thursday Willis started school…Grade 8 at Pathshala Nepal English Medium School! This is a whole new chapter in Kathmandu for us, for me. My focus or the past 3 weeks has been home schooling Will in Math to prepare him, the math seems to be quite advanced compared to Canada rand Botswana.
Enough writing already! Get to the pictures! Sorry, I needed to unload. Thanks for listening I feel much better.
Hugs from Kathmandu, XOXO